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Guest-post: Lucy Coleman, on Writing!

Writing science fiction is not something I thought I was going to do when I was growing up. Although I always enjoyed good stories, and found myself needing to escape to different worlds through reading, it wasn’t something I ever thought I was going to be able to do.

Growing up on a small city, I used to contemplate the stars for hours with my younger brother Daniel from the garden of the house. I remember thinking that one day I was going to go around the world and discover interesting cultures. Years later I did it all.

I graduated as a medical doctor and specialized in fertility and embryology, so I can say I was fortunate to be able to see life from its very beginnings. The experience of being in touch with little beings in the form of embryos since they are created, and even after they are born, is priceless.

Two years ago I lost my best friend and support Dorca. She knew all about me, and the many changes I was experiencing in my life with the idea of Isabel’s Bridges, a girl that was coming from another universe and could establish bridges between dimensions, and the way the story kept developing in my head each day. She knew about it.

The day I lost her my only determination was to write the story, and I did nothing else but writing for the next six months. It has been the best experience of my life to be able to write this fascinating story in a way that involves many of my own experiences as a witness of the constant work of Mother Nature.

However, I was aware I could write a story that seemed great to myself, but people might not like it. So, when Isabel’s Bridges was released I was nervous thinking if people was going to like and understand the story. Well, people loved it! It seems more people are now interested on reading about universal energy, time traveling, science fiction love stories, and fantasy.

Science fiction is now my passion, and I have been immersed in this fascinating story, so much that my life has become the center of it. Living with these great characters building their ideas in my head. It is actually mind-blowing. I guess that is how science fiction writers live and feel about their work.

Ideas come and go all the time. That is why our brain has been designed to live, generating ideas every second. But the exciting part of getting the story right consists on holding into it, developing it, and making it part of you. It might be an idea that can seem crazy at the beginning, but the point is to believe in yourself. That is the core of a good story.

When Isabel’s Bridges first came into my head it was a shower of information that was kind of overwhelming. It was hard to imagine a story like this to be put together as a science fiction saga that people actually enjoyed. And that is the secret of a good science fiction writer, take the incredible and peculiar story, that looks crazy at the beginning, and turn it into a fascinating adventure to the lector, because that is the purpose. They are in for the ride, especially if it is a good one.

The system of universes in Isabel’s Bridges it is now part of me. I believe in how the story has been developing, and the interesting turns it has. And that is what lectors are going to be living with me when they read it. They will come to understand the universe and its works, in ways they could not imagine before.

It is rewarding when someone goes to get a nice book, a story that can help them disconnect from their own reality, and they finally find one that becomes part of their lives for a while. That is why I love science fiction. And I believe science fiction writers need to become part of their own story in order to really share it with others.

I have read great science fiction books; some of them have literally changed my life. That is why I believe books are the channels to knowledge, if people are open to learn.

When I was younger I used to have a handwritten note stuck on my wardrobe that said: “I will always dream with happiness”. That affirmation became a part of me, and today I can say I am living the happiness I fought so much to achieve. With resilience, dedication, love and respect for whatever you do in life. Perhaps that is why I attract so many good energies, and people reading the story will get some of that good vibe. I believe in the power of the universe to give you whatever you ask for, if you know how to ask. It takes time and practice, but it can be achieved. It worked for me and can work for anyone.

Watching the night sky still one of my favorite things to do. Now writing is part of me, and one of my purposes of life. This particular story is now flooding my thoughts with ideas, and moments of creation. That is why more books will be coming. After all, who wants a great story to end?

My father used to say to me that I lived in a parallel universe, and life was a fantasy to me. Yes, that is exactly what it is and why I have been able to achieve success. I refused to join the majority and to follow the system that brings chaos, frustration, stress, and sadness; and makes people live in remote-control . That was not for me. Instead I decided to live a fearless fulfilling self-designed life inside of my own bubble, away from the external contamination of negativity and meaningless rules. And believe me, I love it!

I am working on several interesting projects and you can have a look following my social media through Facebook @lucycolemanlife Instagram @lu.coleman, and Twitter @lucoleman.

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