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Author Interview: with Patricia Gonzalez

Interview With Patricia Gonzalez:

Author of The Ultimate Experience

What is the central theme of your novel? The Ultimate Experience’s theme is a metaphor for the journey/adventure we’re all on – returning home to our Father’s house/outstretched arms.

What inspired you to write about this topic or subject? I was an unwilling author. My passion at the time was studying and practicing forgiveness, A Course in Miracles kind of forgiveness. Two years later, the title, characters, dialog, lessons began to appear on my mental screen. The daily barrage and immediacy of these images forced me to admit – it was a book!

What was your creative process for writing this work? Read the above again. During these two years I added meditation to my practice. Here’s what started it all (I swear it’s the truth) I asked out loud, “What’s next for me?” And the message appeared, “What’s my purpose?” So, I asked again, “What’s my purpose?” And the book began to appear. But. The words always came when I was reclining to meditate or to sleep. I would jump up and type them into my computer and eventually into the developing manuscript.

What tips would you give to an aspiring writer? “To write what we are given to write, we must disappear.” – Unknown You must write from your heart… never your ego. The reader will sense the difference.

Do you practice any other forms of art, or creative outlets? If yes, which ones, and why? Meditation and Forgiveness

What is your purpose for writing over-all? Time has allowed me understanding on why I was chosen to write the book, The Ultimate Experience, and deliver its message… and it wasn’t because I was a masterful writer. A Higher Source chose me… because, I know with certainty the power of Forgiveness.

How did you research for this project? The book is also a travel diary. Again, I didn’t choose the format…it appeared this way. I used the Internet to research the Country and City the character’s visited as their stories unfolded.

What are your goals for this novel, and over-all as an author? The finished manuscript sat on my computer’s hard drive for seven years. When its time came, the money came, and it is now on its path. I know it will find its way into the right hands and change a life, maybe many lives. Last week, I asked again, “What’s next for me?” And, from a reclined position I saw a movie…jumping up I began to write… Book two has begun; 8,000 words and the story continues to flow.

What are your favorite books? Out on a Limb by Shirley McLean Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard A Course in Miracles The Ultimate Experience by Patricia Hammond-Gonzalez

Who are your favorite authors? Roger Ebert – I know that’s a strange choice and I don’t even know if he wrote a book, but his blog has been so helpful to me; when needing a word, or a phrase. Because I wasn’t a writer per se, (Oh, I won a writing contest in High School), I fashioned my conversational style to Roger’s because it was seemed natural, not contrived. I still visit his blog and read his movie critiques… just to remind me.

Where can we buy your book? Amazon sells the paperback and the eBook/Kindle version – Barnes & Noble, etc.

How can we learn more about you, and where? I host a blog: I’m active on Facebook: undoingjoey and Twitter: @undoingjoey and Instagram: patriciahammondgonzalez

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