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Author Interview: Nina R. Schluntz

Author Interview

with Nina R. Schluntz

What is the central theme of your novel?

Dragons!!! Duh.

On a serious note, the theme would be how people perceive cultures that are unlike their own as wrong and how this creates negative bias and exaggerated perceptions of how others live. In this book, there are dragons and humans. And although the dragons can shapeshift into humans, the current society has banned all interaction between the two because interacting can lead to the creation of an Enukara which is a healer. And when these healers existed in the past, it lead to worldwide wars and eventually a genocide of all Enukaras.

What inspired you to write about this topic or subject?

This book has gone through a lot of changes from what I was initially inspired to create. I’d noticed a lot of stories about shape shifting dragons, but most were romances or even erotic romances. And if that element was removed, the audience for the story would have been so much larger. Young teens would love to read these adventures, but because of the X rated material, the book was restricted from that crowd. So I set out to create a novel that could reach a wider audience, perhaps even a children’s book. As I began writing, I noticed some chemistry between two of the characters, and I couldn’t resist seeing where it would lead. Hence, my aspirations for a kid-friendly dragon shape shifting book went to the back burner. However, I am hoping as this world evolves, I will be able to create a book in the series that is for young readers.

What was your creative process for writing this work?

Write, throw it out, write again, lol. For whatever reason, this book had a lot of stumbles. I started writing it in 2014, and the first chapter was completely re-written in mid-2017, just to give you an idea of how this “process” went.

What tips would you give to an aspiring writer?

Don’t be scared to let someone read your work. When I set out to make this a book for kids, I had kids read it to find out if it appealed to them. Their feedback, “too many big words.” Once I modified it for adults the feedback became, “I’m not feeling any attachment to these characters.” And of course, just talking to people about your ideas can help to. When I told one person about the theme, back when this was supposed to be a kid’s book. I was told, “Wait, your story is about healers who get murdered and a genocide? How can you possibly think that would be a good kid’s book?” Yeah… outside perceptive can be very helpful.

What is your purpose for writing over-all?

I mostly want to create an escape for people. My goal is take the reader on a journey to provide them with some entertainment to make them forget their daily woes for a bit. When a reader tells me they stayed up all night reading my book, unable to put it down, I know I have done my job correctly.

How did you research for this project?

I mentioned already, how I had different people, of different background read the book for feedback. I also used the internet to research specific things, such as what metal to have the dragons be allergic to so it would be feasible. And to add some science behind how the dragons are able to fly.

What are your goals for this novel, and over-all as an author?

This novel is the first in a series, if people enjoy the world, that is. Either way, I’ll write a few more books about the characters, but I’ll likely end the series sooner rather than later, if a true audience doesn’t emerge. For me specifically, I plan to keep writing in general, delving into various genres and themes as the ideas come to me.

What are your favorite books?

“Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen and “Jurassic Park” by Michael Crichton

Who are your favorite authors?

Dean Koontz and Stephen King—which is probably why my books tend to have a dark theme to them, even when I’m writing a romance, such as this book.

Where can we buy your book?

“Dragons and Healers” is available in paperback and ebook, for both kindle and nook. So just look for it wherever you normally buy your books and it will be there.

How can we learn more about you, and where?

Goodreads, Facebook, and twitter are my main social media. I also have a few blogs on wordpress.


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