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IN LIGHT IN ME: Interview with Author Raana Zia

In Light In Me

Author Interview:

With Life Coach; Raana Zia

Raana Zia brilliantly delivers a guide to discovering this profound truth - we all have the power to create the life we want. She makes no claim that harnessing this creative power is easy. It takes patience, discipline and practice. But Zia's own real life examples clearly demonstrate that it is possible and available to us all. Supported by teachings from spiritual leaders to poets to renowned scientists, Your Hidden Light makes evident that this truth has been proclaimed for thousands of years. Zia joins those wise voices in thoughtfully reexamining this enlightened certainty. I am inspired to test my own creative power in small ways, and, with practice, to see my future desires manifest.


What is the central theme of your novel?

Your Hidden Light is a go-to handbook for how you can reclaim the greatest power that has been lost to you – the power to create your own reality. The purpose of the book is to awaken you to your spiritual nature and the powers you already possess to fulfill what is in your heart. Your Hidden Light easily synthesizes ancient spiritual wisdom into practical application today. You will learn the 4-step process to create your desired life with practical tips to help you along the way. You will walk away feeling empowered to live the life you want, and create the world you want to live in. In addition, you will feel inspired to take at least one step towards making a positive change in your life.

What inspired you to write about this topic or subject?

I had been in corporate finance for 20+ years successfully climbing the corporate ladder. In 2012, while I achieved my goal of becoming a CFO of a billion-dollar company, I felt a strong internal pull in my heart telling me I needed to be doing something else in my life. I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing, but I was determined to find out. I began searching for my purpose, a way to evolve my career, and greatly enhance my own life. I spent the next five years reading self-help books, going to seminars, talking to personal coaches, etc., gaining inspiration and building a belief I could do something different. The more I searched, the more curious I became on how the world worked and how I was able to manifest the good things in my life (career, family, home, vacations, etc). I was discovering pieces of wisdom that were life changing and profound from many different sources, but there wasn’t one book that brought it all together in a way that was direct and easy to understand. I was compelled to write this book in order to retain and share was I believe to be the most efficient and effective way to create what you truly desire in your heart.

What was your creative process for writing this work?

It took quite a bit of time for me to believe I could write a book. However, the moment I finally believed in myself, was the moment the words started to flow out of me. The chapter titles and page count came into my head immediately. I then began writing the content, and I did not stop until the book was completed. It took me only two months to write this book. The writing process was incredible. I loved writing the book because I felt a powerful energy with me throughout the process. I felt supported and aligned with what I was supposed to be doing for the first time in my life. Writing the book helped me through a major transition in my life and career because I was constantly reminded by the words I was writing to stay disciplined and focused on what I really wanted in my heart, and to not let fear (fear of failure, fear of ridicule, fear of poverty) or doubt stop me.

What tips would you give to an aspiring writer?

The first tip is that you need to build a belief in yourself and your work. This is foundational, and it can be very challenging as our ego will always try to sabotage us with fear and doubt. Develop a daily practice like meditation to keep you centered, focused, and connected to your higher self (the creative source of your inspired writing).

I highly recommend the 4-step process of conscious creation from my book, Your Hidden Light. This is what I used to write and publish my book within one year.

1. Get clear on your desire. Form a mental picture or write it down. Feel it in your heart and believe you can achieve it 2. Feel gratitude as if it is already yours. 3. Detach from your desire - know it’s coming. Relax. 4. Take Action that is aligned with your desire. Follow your inner guidance. Connect with your heart and write.

This is the 4-step process to creating your desires. I found this to be the shortest and most effective route for getting unstuck. You will find more details and strategies for each step in Your Hidden Light to help you master this process in your life.

Do you practice any other forms of art, or creative outlets? If yes, which ones, and why?

One of my favorite creative outlets is playing and dreaming with my children. I love spending time with them thinking of creative ways to engage their interests into something fun and productive. I love dreaming up the world we want to live in together.

What is your purpose for writing over-all?

My purpose in writing was to express myself and to know myself. My desire is that this book will help others discover who they really are and inspire people to take at least one step towards making a positive change in their life.

How did you research for this project?

Your Hidden Light is a reflection of my years of research, application, and personal self discovery. I read many books on personal growth, attended retreats, workshops, and conferences. I also analyzed my own experiences of when I was able to create wonderful things in my life and when I was not. Most importantly, I developed a meditation practice which allowed me to access information and guidance that helped bring all this wisdom together.

What are your goals for this novel, and over-all as an author?

My desire is that readers will be able to use this book as a simple guidebook to discover their own abilities to create a positive and fulfilling life for themselves and the world around them. It is only through personal experience, that you will be able to discover your true power and your own truth. This book is meant to give you the practical steps to test for yourself what you are capable of.

What are your favorite books?

I love spiritual self-help books or books that awaken my understanding of my true potential. Some books that have inspired me are:

Conversations with God - Neale Donald Walsch The Impersonal Life - Joseph Benner

You can find more books that inspired me at

Who are your favorite authors?

Wayne Dyer is one of my favorite authors.

Where can we buy your book?

You can buy Your Hidden Light: A Personal Guide to Creating Your Desired Life on,, and iBooks.

How can we learn more about you, and where?

You can learn more about me at:

You can also follow me on instagram and twitter:


Raana Zia

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