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Feministic Rantz: Celebrities & the Public Opinion

Feministic Rantz: Welcome!

Yes, I am being humorous with the name of the theme /column. This is my first personal blog, which is just a slew of random thoughts and opinions/speculation on things going on in the world, today.

Feminism is at its peak right now. Women are sick of it. They are standing up for themselves with #MeToo stories and deplorable tales of Hollywood's tycoons' double standards and sexual abuse. They refuse to be quiet. I love it. Call me a 'feminist' or 'wannabe feminist' all you want! I am a woman and I like to Rawr. :) I find it very interesting that when you perceive an event pro-fem or anti-man, you are tagged crazy. They say you are a feminist - like it's an insult.

What IS feminism?

"Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal, and social equality of sexes. This includes seeking to establish educational and professional opportunities for women that are equal to those for men."

Am I actually supposed to be insulted; as a FEMALE, that I fight for equality of men and woman? I'm not sure where there is an insult in there, but I have to say, in all honesty, nothing is stupider in my opinion than a woman who takes a misogynistic view. Even misogynistic men are less wretched. But, wait, was that equal? Sorry, I am amusing myself. In reality, it is a serious topic and one that I take sort of, personally. It took me many years to see that even I, shared age-old philosophies on women, and how our lives are designed--we are conditioned to lives that are of servitude to man, and above all ELSE we are trained to value man's opinion of us--what is appropriate, how we should act, think, speak, dress and live, above all else. I find it difficult, because man has turned woman (good woman) into something that isn't human. We are treated like ethereal angels when we behave, and they reinforce this is A GOOD thing, by rewarding us with compliments and admiration, and constantly, choosing to marry and romantically link themselves with the good girl.Bad girls are considered play things for men. In many scenarios, Good girl gets frustrated because Bad Girl is attractive to man, no matter his claims to the contrary. He convinces GG thatBG is deplorable, an abhorrent, despicable, reprobate that is destined to grow old and alone, with nine cats.For ions, men have confused, belittled, and betrayed us. Man has contradicted himself by marrying GG and bedding BG. Sometimes GG goes bad. She thinks THIS is what man must want. After-all, if he wanted GG and BG, when does he fornicate with BG so often? Then, good-girl-gone-bad is scorned for her naughty, miscreant behavior. It's a maddening cycle of hypocrisy, designed for man and man alone. He sees woman as a concept, an idea. One suits his image, one suits his desire. And, both are left angry, volatile, and confused. Never is this more present than the Man who takes on a Mistress; has a full-fledged affair. GG is often, disgusted because man is bedding and showering BG with affection, attention, wild desire. But, isn't bad girl just that-bad? A culprit? A sociopath? An emotionless offender?

Century upon century, the age-old philosophy that woman must fit man's image has been bludgeoned upon us. In the bible, Eve is designed through Adam's rib. Eve is seductive and charming, and convinces Adam to give in to temptation. Eve is painted as a monster, some harlot that ruins Adam's life and robs him of his integrity. Never mind, Adam was there first and should be more experienced. Never mind Eve came from HIS RIB and therefore is just an extension of him. Am I saying I believe any of this? NO. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy from day one, the cartoonish ideals, the caricaturist blame-placing instilled in us from the time we are small--from the most celebrated religion and influential ideologies in America, and other cultures, today. In other religions many things may differ, but often this part is told the same. Woman is a shameful thing that man must resist. It's interesting that in so many cultures, men are celebrated, but woman is treated second-rate and unimportant--killed even at some points, for merely, being female. It's interesting because women are responsible for reproduction. Sure, we need Man for it. But, if the world ended women could still be impregnated with stored sperm. If all women died, Man could not continue to reproduce. We would cease to exist! So, let's take a moment to celebrate Woman. And, hell, Man too. Why not?After all, not all MEN are 'MAN' in my scenario. Not all women are innocent, nor victims. But, I do see age-old stereotypes (archetypes) still so very present in our culture today. Never has the spotlight been so bright - take a look at some celebrated couples and how we classically, vilified the female(s) so often:

Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake

Even in THIS scenario, with sweet shy Britney--a girl who could perform her ass off by 17, but in person, when she spoke seemed timid and coy--turned into the bad guy in this scenario... or girl, actually.Why? Because Timberlake ALLUDED to her cheating the cause of their break up. There was never legitimate proof, and he never confirmed it himself. He slyly, used the narrative in his songs and videos, all while trying to restore his relationship with Britney, until she became sick of his manipulative bullshit (a.k.a. trying to use HER celebrity status to become a solo act that was/is successful)--and she finally, told him to F off. Thank God.

Eminem and Kim Mathers

It's pretty sad that Marshall attacked her so often, considering she is the mother of a child he claims to adore. He became so vicious, at one point he started bringing Kim blow-up dolls to concerts and murdering her on stage. His fans went wild for it and equally, viciously verbally attacked her on plethora of platforms. It became so volatile for them, Kim tried to slice her wrists!Even though Mathers had girlfriends sprinkled throughout the country (I knew one of them/a model in south beach), he went crazy when Kim was spotted kissing someone else. Typical of male stars; they often feel they are entitled to have a string of beauties to be romantic with, but always always want their ride or die. Kim was doing what he did - cheating. But, she was vilified thanks to his music and actions; drama that surely, sold him many albums.

Britney Spears and Kevin Federline


Britney returns. Kevin Federline, who was initially disliked by the public, and blamed for Britney's strange and reckless newfound rebellious actions, was turned into the hero when they divorced, for some unknown reason.With her own mother's aid, Federline convinced her to check into rehab for non-disclosed addictions (still today). Britney agreed, and her image was finished. Suddenly, Britney was insane, not stable enough to handle her children, needed supervised visits, and Kevin was deemed father of the year, for settling for $20k+ a month if he took the kids full-time. Wasn't it just a little convenient that he was so worried, that he filed for sole custody, for an amount of money he would never make on his own? He had two other children he did not want custody of, likely, because there wasn't significant financial gain. It's stated BRITNEY paid the child support to his former girlfriend for those children. People also villified Britney for dating him when he was with Shar, but never condemned him for his cheating behaviors!The case became so twisted; suddenly, Britney was a psycho who locked herself in the bathroom with her infant. But, what did they expect? She had a newborn she was only allowed to spend an HOUR with--under supervision.From the time of their conception, people attacked her mothering. They made everything her fault; irrational insane behaviors. When she almost dropped her child due to a swarm of paparazzi's stalking and chasing her relentlessly, nobody cared about that part. A picture was snapped and she was dubbed an insane reckless drinking drugging mother. Federline's nightly drinking and clubbing were tagged in moderation and normal, though. The double standard was mind -boggling. I'd like to go on, but I'll save their full story for another time.

Amber Heard and Johnny Depp

I have written three full reports on this bizarre case, which I will post soon. For now, I just want to point out; that despite Heard's evidence MANY are convinced she spent four years designing a giant ruse for Depp's dough.Even though they released a JOINT statement declaring their actions were passionate and at times volatile--but always bound by love, people continue to take on the narrative she is a gold-digging psychopath who only married him for his money! The statement also declares that 'nobody was in the relationship for financial gain,' which Depp fans conveniently ignore. They swear Depp was the abused one, though he hasn't submitted an actual iota of evidence proving so. The only thing relevant, is a proposed list of evidence he may have had, which he never revealed, because they settled the matter privately.People are convinced Heard smashed stuff and took pictures, broke house-hold items, faked bruises with a talented MUA, spent four years designing this evidence, provoked him to throw a rage-filled tantrum on tape, wrote verbally abusive words on the couples' mirror, made up a story about his missing thumb (that he still can't explain, entirely), designed text messages for a span of three years between her and the assistant, and convinced a SLEW of people to lie for her - many claiming him jealous, insecure, possessive and yes, violently abusive, in addition to verbally and emotionally abusing her, as well. Including:

Billy Bob Thornton

London Fields' producers

Her neighbor; Raquel Pennington

A mutual friend of theirs; iO Tillet

His own (ex)management team The only people sticking up for Depp, are his scorned ex (who he left Amber for), his daughter (I mean, come on), a comedian (who calls him an emperor and her a demon--REALLY? Not OVERT tactics at all), and MARILYN MANSON. Still, many believe her to be a person who dates others purely to extract money from them, and a psychopathic narcissist. Neither are a clear motive. As his wife of 15 months, she was entitled to a percentage of his earnings during that time, regardless. No matter all this, his fans vilified Heard, proving age-old philosophies are still at play!

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

I'll admit: I'm not entirely convinced of Jolie's claims, but for the sake of argument I'm still using the case to make a point. Whether or not her claims are true, and they may not be, the point is the public opinion, here. Immediately, she was vilified, and cited a liar.She does have the razor-sharp Wasser on her team, which to me, discredits her. Depp also had this lawyer, and I find her conspicuous. However, we weren't actually there - and even Pitt admitted to his alcoholism and that he did separate from the family for many years.I DO think it's BS he has supervised visits, and found his video (pushing Maddox) far less conspicuous than Depp's tantrum. Disciplining a child - whether arguably abusive or not, is NEVER equal to disciplining a lover. Your lover is your EQUAL, not your child. Children need to have guidance which, sometimes includes being taught, scolded, trained, and disciplined. Does it make Pitt right? Maybe not, but it's not the same thing as beating your wife.Still, Jolie was definitely turned into the villain for pointing out her husbands alcoholism, and possible anger issues. There isn't much evidence to the contrary right now, yet we still classify Jolie as the malevolent partner.

But, the public opinion proves that we have not yet, stopped with the tales of the evil, lurking black widow who is out to claim man's heart and devour his soul. It's an old newsreel and really, getting sort of ridiculous.

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