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NEW Book: What To Do When You Can't get Pregnant by Major Daughter


What To Do When You Can't Get Pregnant

by Major Daughter

Where is God when I can't get pregnant?

This is one of the leading questions on the lips of those trusting God for the fruit of the womb. No one ever plans on infertility. No one ever really thinks about it, until you want to have a baby and can't. Married couples struggling with having kids often get depressed most especially when they see those around them having many children with ease. At this stage, you need to know what to do and the secrets behind smooth pregnancy. Major Daughter has poured her heart and soul into a book series that comprises 2 books titled What To Do When You Can't Get Pregnant" and "Secret For A Smooth Pregnancy" to encourage women struggling with infertility. The books is written by a Best Selling Christian Author and also an Amazon Best Selling Author.....and I'm sure this book will encourage you to continue to believe God for your future child because He is faithful. They will also help you grow and strengthen your faith in God. Just like the titles depict, you will discover what to do if you're struggling with getting pregnant and how to have a smooth pregnancy. Remember, "He gives the barren woman a home, making her joyous mother of children" Psalm 113:9, so keep trusting Him. With Him anything is possible.


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