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Lifestyle: Tips for the Creative on a Budget


[Please Note: Our column 'top tens' occasionally provides different amounts of tips, outside of ten. This month we have four large tips, below.]

If you are living on an artist's budget - you may be living on a very modest income, at least until you've established yourself. For most, that can take some time. Getting a full-time job is almost impossible because it takes years, hours, and energy to practice until you reach near perfection in artistry.

The bohemian life can be a beautiful one if you know how to budget, and implement easy ways to earn a living while you perfect your craft!

Tip 1 - Get freelance jobs - this is an obvious one, but younger generations may not know how to get creative work, while practicing in the fine arts and/or creative divisions of workforce options. There are hundreds of sites now that have gigs posted, and you can absolutely solidify some on-going continuous creative work, while you perfect your true passion. This is intelligent because you can still utilize your creativity, which means not spending energy on things that will deplete you of the amount needed for art. PLUS, you can create your own schedule, and increase pricing once you've established some authority and designed a useful, and enticing portfolio of projects you've completed for clients.

Tip 2 - Get Creative Roommates - in larger cities and on the net, you can find hundreds of folks looking to share space. It may not be ideal, but it is cost effective. Plus, living with other creatives gives you the chance to interact and hopefully, inspires. TWO OR THREE artistic minds are certainly better than one!

Tip 3 - Get supplies. A challenge in pursuing art related careers, is affording to! You must buy supplies to create, and that can be costly. Using stuff around you at first, can make a big difference! Draw on card board. Sketch in basic notebooks or recycle paper. Use everything - continue to create and be creative about how you DO THAT.

Tip 4 - Make your own products. Love fashion and make-up as creative expression? Even these can be extremely creative choices if tackled in such a way. Again, instilling creativity in everything you do allows for your mind to constantly operate in an innovative and effective way!

Yet, high fashion is very expensive, and budgeting is a necessity. In larger cities thrift stores are god sent, if you know how to browse them! I found that thrift store shopping allowed me to purchase gorgeous fashion, expressing myself perfectly, all while purchasing designer clothing I knew would last for ions!

In Boca Raton, the Goodwill carries thousands of pieces that are designer, high quality, pieces. They look BRAND NEW! Get creative with your style, but ensure you are saving by purchasing very low-priced clothing and products, for beauty!


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