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Author Interview: with Jeanne Corsick

The Divine Intertwines

An Author Interview with Self-help Guru; Jeanne Corsick

Spirituality is a key over-coming emotional damage and mental anguish. It's been proven through many studies, researchers, and authors divulging on the topic, that one can only find a certain sense of worth and purpose, through a deep kind of self awareness that only develops when one has embraced their own spiritual side. Today, we had the opportunity to interview Jeanne Corsick, who penned The Divine Intertwines. Her non-fiction think-piece articulates the many ways in which can overcome past demon's through inner exploration, and restoration of emotional stability. Corsick takes us through a series of slides that she originally, shared in a presentation--with no intention to publish them, until the response from the slides were received so openly. Now, she has shared with the public those very slides, detailing a map of positive and potentially life-changing ideas that are sure to inspire!


Thank you Jeanne for joining us today! My first questions is of course, what is the central theme of your novel?

The Divine Intertwines: A light-workers Spiritual Adventure in Silicon Valley shares my story of how thru determination to remap a more healthy relationship with myself by means of Al-Anon and a Life Coach, that success soon followed, and with ease.

What inspired you to write about this topic or subject?

An unexpected and overwhelming positive response from a presentation I gave on the subject to a room full of Executive Assistants from all over California who were participating in a retreat in Monterey, Ca.

It must have been very encouraging to receive such an overwhelmingly positive reaction from the presentation! Even with scientific works there is a creative process. What was your creative process for writing this work?

Each slide in the presentation was a chapter for a book, but I didn’t know it until the drive home and my guides began sharing this.

What tips would you give to an aspiring writer?

Don’t let your resistance sway you. Take the time you want and need to. Write or record (always have a recording app on your phone) when you are inspired.

Do you practice any other forms of art, or creative outlets? If yes, which ones, and why?

I bowl. Because it’s the one sport I’m not great at, but have fun at and it keeps me balanced then. I don’t have to be good to still enjoy it.

Well the physical and mental are tied into together inevitably, so it's understandable that you engage in something that can both take your mind off other things, and provide exercise--and fun! You clearly, have a lot of confidence, and perseverance. In in the world of literature and writing, one needs that no matter the subject. What is your purpose for writing over-all? To validate and further inspire people. How did you research for this project?

The presentation became the book. I didn’t research.

What are your goals for this novel, and over-all as an author? My goal is to give people in everyday life the hello they might need to know they, too, are on their path. And to encourage more of what’s awakening them to raise their vibration further.

Reading is also a great stress reliever! Non-fiction works like this can serve to both entertain and inspire, as well as educate. Do you read a lot, and if so what are your favorite books?

Typically metaphysical ones. Especially having to do with the unseen worlds and dimensions, i.e., life after death; positive affirming stories.

Who are your favorite authors?

Mike Dooley, Betty Bethards, Abraham-Hicks


Thank you so much for chatting with us!

Where can we buy your book?

East West Bookstore Mt. View, CA;

Balboa Press online;

Barnes & Noble online


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